It was one of the most interesting games I'd played in a while. He was running a very heavy TH/SS termie list (30 Terminators) and I decided to run a Tac Marine army (6 tac squads, 1 assault squad, 2 dev's with M/L). It was space marine elite vs space marine spam. We had rolled Dawn of War and decided to reroll as I would have gotten killed. We ended up playing capture and control with him walking across and me rolling a lot of bolter shots, and we ended up tying. Very strange mismatch of a game.
On Saturday night, the same sparing partner had missed a tournie he was supposed to be playing in and hit me up to see if I wanted to play again. By the time we were supposed to get together after a day of being a responsible adult and getting things done, both of us were a bit tired to play and spent the evening painting and watching Marbo's inspiration destroy cinematic villains.
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